I had a dream the other night. It was of a gaming dystopia
set in the near future. At first glance everything looked shiny and new, but
scratch beneath the surface and you would find a games industry rife with
greed, ineptitude and unhealthy relationships. A games industry where new
consoles were rushed out the door requiring immediate patches, where renowned
games designers would rely on the generosity of the public so they could make
more money, where games with broken mechanics would be alarmingly common, where
the quest for profit resulted in the annualisation of the uncreative, and an
industry where journalists and publishers would accept their sickly dependence
as status quo.
However I didn’t wake up for I was already awake. I asked
myself “Where and when did it all go so hideously wrong?”
Last month (or three years ago if you are watching this on
Dave) saw the release of Nintendo’s new console, the Wii Mini. Just kidding,
although I did find it rather baffling that Nintendo would release a miniature
version of their Wii console exclusively (albeit timed) at the same time as
their world wide release of the console I really wanted to talk about, the Wii
U. Fans queued, the press cooed and Iwata poo-pooed. Well two out of three
ain’t bad.
Isiah Triforce Johnson was the first person in the world to
start lining up for the Wii U, a full 27 days ahead of its release. The NYPD
had to put a stop to this when Hurricane Sandy blew into town (however his
space was kindly reserved for him for when he returned back when all was safe).
Although he is quite clearly a little bit bonkers I must confess a modicum of
admiration to someone who is that dedicated to one developer. Never again shall
I throw the term ‘fanboy’ around in such a willy-nilly fashion.
Although the console has sold well thus far its reception
has been somewhat mixed. Some people loved the ‘new’ technology, while others
remained sceptical. Some developers leapt to its praise while Nintendo’s share
price was taking a nose dive on the stock market. "This new controller
really revolutionises the traditional pad”. “Nintendo Wii sucks”. It’s
difficult to gauge just how good the Wii U is, or will be. As with any console
it is only as strong as the games you get on it and if the Wii is anything to
go by I’m not going to be holding my breath. However, I digress.
The real news about the Wii U was the Day-One Patch that
accompanied it; a patch so large that many users shut their consoles off
mid-download only to find that in doing so it crippled their machines. The
patch was necessary because Nintendo shipped the consoles with missing
functionality, one must assume to ensure they were in the stores in time for
the holiday period. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata actually apologised for the
fiasco, saying “I feel very sorry for the fact that purchasers of Wii U have to
experience a network update which takes such a long time, and that there are
the services which were not available at the hardware's launch.”
According to IGN he also said “I always and strictly tell
Nintendo employees never to use the term 'success' to describe our own
performance”. Personally I think not calling Nintendo’s day-one patch a
success is a bit like not calling Nick Leeson an honest and cautious
Nintendo must have known some time ago that their product
was not consumer-ready, however such is the allure of getting your product out
in time for Christmas they were prepared to take any flack heading their way and
issue a monstrous patch via the www. Iwata comes out and says a half-hearted
‘Sorry’, all the while knowing it means sweet fuck all because a) they’ve got
their product where they want it to be, and b) we, the public, are lapping it
up. My main umbrage here is that all of this seems perfectly okay.
Thanks to the internet these patches have now seemingly become
industry standard on every console. I
note with particular irreverence the frequency with which the PS3 is susceptible
to these patches and the amount of time each one takes. The 360 is not immune
either. I remember once watching Professor Brian Cox on The Wonders of the
Universe explain with a sand pile and a sand castle how the second law of
thermodynamics works; that entropy can never decrease. The games industry today
has its own perverse equivalent: The First Law of Gaming Dynamics states that with
time the number of patches you will need on your console will also increase. In
some ways the fact that a fix can be sent down a wire to your house is a
blessing, but it does mean that a developer/publisher can rush a broken product
out safe in the knowledge that their profits won’t be dented in the process.
There is a part of me that feels this is simply wrong.
Talking of broken products let’s not forget 22Cans’
“Curiosity”, a game (sorry, I meant social experiment) burdened with its own
popularity. Apparently there were just too many of us curious cats
enthusiastically tapping away at all of those little cubes. Peter Molyneux et
al hideously underestimated the social side of the experiment, so much so that
they had to shut the damned thing down while they put a more suitable server in
place to cope with the demand. All of this did nothing to diminish my apathy
towards what might actually be lurking within the belly of the cubed beast,
however at least it wasn’t another fucking patch.
What has irked me since then was the announcement that Peter
Molyneux’s next project would be a kickstarter to pay for his reinvention of
Bullfrog’s 80’s classic “Populous”. Now for those of you who are unaware of
what a kickstarter is think of it in terms of a charity. Basically you/me/the
general public can donate money to these projects to help them fulfil their
dreams. For this you might be eventually rewarded, or not (for example for a
donation of $X you get a copy of the game when it’s released, or one of the
characters/places is named after you, etc). I guess the original idea for them
was to help new, small, independent developers realise their goals when more
traditional publishing routes were either unavailable or unwanted. From this
point of view kickstarters are a great idea.
However let’s not even begin to think of Peter Molyneux as
anything like new, small or independent. Even the rotting corpse of Milo cannot
detract us from one of the biggest names in the gaming world. He helped bring
us Syndicate, Theme Park, Fable and of course Populous. He definitely isn’t
what you might call unknown and untested. I cannot image him being short of a
bob or two either. Regardless of his own personal fortunes (or lack thereof) it’s
impossible to conceive the idea of him as being unable to find the resources to
make this reinvention (read: remake) from happening. So why the hell is he
asking for a kickstarter? Is this another one of his experiments? Is this just
him being a bit greedy, relying on our good will and naivety to pay for his
next game? Or is there some other tacit reason behind him asking for handouts?
I’m not sure, and while I remain so I certainly won’t be handing over any of my
That said, I don’t want to label Molynuex as a bad man. Aloof
maybe, but at least he is yet to start milking the proverbial cash cow by
adopting another industry standard: annualising his video games. Can someone
please tell me how these annual games releases are helping us in any way?
I’m not sure when it even started. The first one I can
remember was FIFA, but a short trip to Wiki-land tells me that EA were doing it
with NFL and PGA games three years or so earlier (I don’t remember buying an
American Football game ever, and I’ve only ever bought one Tiger Woods PGA
title, so I hereby forgive myself for not know that little bit of trivia). Back
then it wasn’t such common practise, and there was a little je ne c’est pas
about a shiny, new game which more accurately reflected your football team of
choice. Of course I was a lot younger back then, less cynical and perhaps
didn’t see them for what they really are: updates.
Can you seriously tell me that FIFA 13 is oh so different to
FIFA 12? Is Black Ops 2 so drastically different to Modern Warfare 3? Is Medal
of Honor 2 in any way, shape or form an improvement from Battlefield 3? What
you are paying for here is another patch. You end up with essentially the same
game you had before but with a new skin and perhaps a new game mode. FIFA 13 is
just FIFA 12 but with updated teams, players and kits. Black Ops 2 is just
Modern Warfare 3 with some new maps. I’d like to say Medal of Honor 2 is just
Battlefield 3 but it isn’t even that. It’s just shit.
That a company releases the same game every year isn’t
inherently annoying. What is preposterous is the fact you have to pay the full
retail price for the privilege. Let’s not forget to add to this the cost of the
season pass or premium membership which gives you access to even more maps.
Usually this is the same cost as buying the game in the first place,
essentially doubling the price. If you choose not to buy these extras good luck
finding a game. Alternatively you could just hang on to your old game and hope
that there are enough people out there who share you point of view, but there
aren’t. Such is our want for all things new that it’s only a matter of time
before yesterday’s video games boxes are used to carry home tonight’s fish and
Having said all of this, at least those games work. The
Black Ops 2 campaign was a huge pile of wank, but the multiplayer is just as
strong as ever. I stopped playing Call of Duty for a couple of years while I
engrossed myself into the world of Battlefield. Coming back took some
adjustment, but I am actually enjoying it. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I
prefer it to Battlefield and Bad Company; in fact I would say that different
enough from each other to avoid direct comparison. I love the huge playing
arenas proffered to us by EA and DICE. You get to drive tanks and helicopters.
Games can go on for half an hour or so and teamwork is a lot more common. But
then I just as much like the unadulterated kicks you get from Call of Duty. The
smaller, twisty, maze-like maps that are more like a paint-ball park than real
warfare. I like being able to customize my set up to just the way I want it.
And as much as it pains me I like the prestige that comes with prestige. It’s
not something I have achieved yet in Blops2, but I am edging closer.
Now take a couple of examples from other games I recently
started playing: Lego Lord of the Rings and Magic the Gathering Duels of the
Planeswalkers. Before I lay into these too much I feel I should say I have been
a fan of both Magic and Lego for years. I don’t have anything against Wizards
of the Coast and/or Tt per se. In fact how could I possibly think about disparaging
anyone who has successfully wasted so much of my time? I have been addicted to the
Lego games for a long time, to the point now where my son and I have completed
(and I mean COMPLETED) Lego Batman 2 three times. I cannot tell you how much I
was looking forward to LotR. I have also loved Magic the Gathering since I
first started playing the trading card game back around the year 2000. I still
have my original decks in the loft in my house. There was a group of four to
six of us who would play every Sunday evening around one of our houses. Games
would last for hours and would quite often be tense, but they were great times.
I’m not even really sure why it all stopped.
Anyway I bought Lego Lord of the Rings and played through
the campaign without too much fuss. It was all going so nicely until I started
exploring the open world of Middle Earth to find the collectibles (the mithril
and red bricks, characters, etc). To aid you in this quest you can go into the
map and set up a marker, then when you return to the game you have a trail of
opaque, blue Lego coins to follow. Only sometimes they will take you off in the
wrong direction (and while this doesn’t sound like much I can guarantee it’s
not something you want to happen in a game where you are already investing so
much of your time trying to complete it). When it first happened I thought I
was being stupid; the next time I thought I was going mad; the twentieth time
made me start swearing at the TV. Now I’m not a particularly sweary person at
home, in fact I cannot recall the last time I ever uttered a profanity whilst
playing CoD or BF; and so please bear in mind Lego LotR is a game designed for kids.
This alone probably isn’t enough to warrant my wrath, but
even when you do find what you are looking for Tt have made it needlessly
difficult to actually get your hands on some of them. For some unknown reason
they have managed to make the camera angles even worse in this game. They’ve
also made jumping from platform to platform (particularly over water) more like
a war of attrition than a test of skill. I’m all for making games a bit more
difficult, but crappy camera angles and controls that don’t give you the right
influence over your character are not the way to go about it.
It’s a similar story with Magic the Gathering. For the most
part the game plays perfectly well, however there were a few occasions when the
broken game mechanics really pissed me off. On one particular occasion I was in
a four-way battle, playing with my favoured green deck against white, blue and
another green. The game had been going for some time. The blue deck and other
green deck had been killed off. It was me against whitey. He had a life total
of over 500 as compared to my somewhat pathetic 15. All was not lost though, as
I was able to summon some huge creatures which were getting +1/+1 for each
forest I controlled. There were a lot of creatures on the playing field, to the
point that there were too many creatures on the playing field for the targeting
system to work properly. Things got so congested that I couldn’t tell if I was
blocking the right creature or not. I was guessing and hoping that nothing was
getting through my defences, and low and behold one of the buggers got through.
I was so annoyed; not at myself but at the game for not giving me the control I
need to play the game
When you are playing the four player game the screen can get
really busy, so much so that it can become unplayable. As if that wasn’t bad
enough shortly after this I found a bug in the game which meant I couldn’t stop
playing the same game over and over again. I couldn’t quit or concede, and even
when I finished the game it wouldn’t let me back to the campaign ladder. There
was literally nothing I could do except delete the game and all of the Game
Centre achievements that went with it. On the one hand I am glad it was only a
demo version of the game, and that I hadn’t spent the full price finding out
what a frustrating annoyance it was. Yet on the other had I am sad that my most
recent endeavours into a beloved past could be met with this level of
Crappy consoles and crappy games, could it get any worse?
Well let us not forget the debacle that is now lovingly called Doritosgate. For
a while back in 2012 the games industry recoiled at the seemingly insidious and
insipid relationship between the games press and PR companies. Accusations were
flung around, there was a threat of legal action, more was said, less was said,
and in the end a few companies held their hands up and said they would be more
transparent. However the damage was already done and an industry already
blemished with charges of corruption and bias found itself being tarred once
again with its own brush.
For some reason the journalists took a lot of the flack for
all of this (and they are certainly not blameless in the saga). Yet with so
much the finger pointing going on I found it amazing that more phalanges weren’t
being aimed at the practises of PR companies.
I know of one games website that has been pretty much
shunned by one of the major publishers thanks to some negative press they took
umbrage to. As a result this website doesn’t get invited to all the pre-release
events any more, thus missing out on vital content that other websites are
running. Less content will inevitably mean fewer hits. Fewer hits means your
website isn’t as valuable for advertising, and thus your revenue and profits
take a hit.
Is it any wonder that journalists are tempted by the need to
suck up sometimes? Is it not just a little bit wrong that the people selling
the games should hold so much power? Luckily I’m not in a position to have to
make the moral choice between writing what I feel to be the truth and having to
pay the bills. It’s not something I ever look forward to doing. This is one of
the beauties of a blog; that a lot of the corporate, towing the line bullshit
is removed from the equation. I just feel a bit sorry for the writers who got
caught up in all of this while the profiteering back scratchers yet again get
away with it.
Perhaps this is a dream after all. Perhaps I am asleep in a
room somewhere, with my arm plugged into an intravenous drip as it pumps a
sedative compound throughout my body. I’m not sure if this is a dream, or a
dream within a dream, or a dream within a dream within a dream. The mission is
the inception of the idea that things have to change. New consoles should not be
released until they are ready, kickstarters are for those who really need them,
broken games do not get released, if games are annualised then you don’t pay
the normal, full RRP and where the actions of PR companies are transparent enough
to give us more faith in what they do.
I don’t know who this idea needs to be aimed at yet. I’m
hoping the compound will give us enough time to find the right person or, more
likely, collection of people. Perhaps the people who really need to grasp the
idea are us, the general public. Stand up and say enough is enough. Maybe as
individuals we don’t have the strength to demand more from these companies, but
as a collective we can have more say and ask for better.
It's just an idea.
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